Prepositions are one of the parts most difficult English speakers learn Spanish
language, because the direct translation is often impossible. Prepositions can be
translated differently depending on the situation or context of use. It is therefore
advisable to store the different variations and uses depending on whether we are
talking about prepositions of place, movement or time. We will see that many of the
prepositions are repeated in the different sections.
IN / AT / ON
They are one of the most common prepositions that can be used to indicate time or
place: in, at and on.
Meaning: in, inside, inside use (place): Used to indicate both indoors and outdoors.
We use it to indicate that something is in one thing, in a closed place, or inside
something physically. However, as shown in the examples, it is also used to indicate
that you are in a geographical location.
Meaning: in, to, at, near, playing use (place): Used in front of buildings like houses,
airports, universities (to indicate that we are in) before "top" (top), "bottom"
( bottom), "the end of" (the end of) to indicate events such as meetings, parties,
concerts, sports, etc ..., behind "arrive" (come) when we refer to places other than
cities or countries.
Meaning: above, over something, playing use (place): It is placed in front of place
names based as tables, floors, etc ..., when we refer to places of a room as a ceiling or
wall and to indicate that someone is inside a public transport or on a floor of a building.

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